Trip Details

Distance between Colombo Airport and Udawalawe is 270 km and it will take up to 3.50 - 4.15 hrs. Select the vehicle type you are looking for and send us the booking request. We will contact you soon.

  • Distance: 270 km
  • Duration: 3.50 - 4.15 hrs

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We received your request and will get back to you shortly!

To Udawalawe

From Udawalawe

Rs. 20000

Car Small

Rs. 21000

Car Large

Rs. 28000


Once we have received your booking - we will contact you in case we require additional information from you to confirm your booking. You will be receiving an email with the booking confirmation with the itinerary and pricing.

If you have any queries drop us an email to

Registered Taxi Service Provider in Colombo Airport Taxi, Sri Lanka | You are in safe hands | (0094)77 078 9383